The benign growth of breast glands in men is known as gynecomastia. The condition causes male breast tissue to grow larger than usual and appear similar to the female breast. The enlargement can occur on one or both sides. This can take a toll on a man’s self-esteem. Gynecomastia usually results from an imbalance in hormone levels, but may also be caused by medication or illness. Before the planed surgery, your GP should examine the possible causes and, if possible, treat them.

Gynecomastia should not be confused with lipomastia (fatty breasts), in which breast tissue is not increased, but instead fat tissue accumulates in the breast area of men, usually due to obesity. In lipomastia cases, exercise, tailored weight training and a healthy diet can often help reduce the softer breast.

If there are no underlying diseased conditions, we can treat gynecomastia surgically. This usually involves a combination of liposuction and the removal of excess breast tissue. The objective is to achieve a more evenly distributed layer of fat over the entire chest. We also remove any excess skin in a tightening procedure to create a smooth, flat chest.
After the operation, you should wear a compression vest for about 4-6 weeks and avoid heavy manual work and sports.

We ask you to bring an ultrasound of the testicles, of the breast and a hormone status to the initial consultation.

Before your surgery, we will book you in for an initial consultation to discuss your expectations and explain the risks. The surgery is done under general anaesthesia.